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Cantor Jessica's Corner

Shalom Aleichem! Wishing you a peaceful, snowy month ahead!


Recently, I was going over some music with a congregant, and the piece, “This Little Light of Mine” came up. Today, I was teaching a new voice student. I mentioned the same piece as one we could work on. She said there was a bashert (“or meant to be”) element involved, since the song is one of her 88-year-old father’s favorites. She wants to sing it with him.


As fires burn on the West Coast, creating terrible devastation, and the number and frequency of hurricanes, fires and other storms increases, light from each of us helps not only ourselves, but others, move forward in a way that makes the world a bit better.


We all have a place here. Our job is to light up the world – in large or small ways – as we figure out what it is and delve in.  


​Any time we find something that makes us light up, bringing out our gentleness and care, our smarts and thoughtfulness, we should take note. This is something our world needs. 


We recently had a Sunday School Snow Day. Here are some ideas for enjoying the cold weather in a somewhat Jewish, tikkun olam-ish manner:


1.    Take the time to enjoy a hot drink, like hot cocoa, hot tea, coffee with a friend or loved one in person; send them a snack through DoorDash; and/or share a cuppa with them over Zoom or FaceTime. 


2.    De-clutter your closet or basement, and prepare a donation to Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity or the Vietnam Veterans of America. You could also sell items at a discount on NextDoor, Facebook Marketplace or eBay. 


3.    Mindfulness can be a Mitzvah, reminding us to stay (and see) the present. Put the phone or tablet down, or the computer away, and spend focused, present time with family, friends or neighbors.


4.    Write a nice note to someone you love.


5.    Read to understand our world a bit better (we are the People of the Book, after all).


6.    Purchase or make a gift for someone.


7.    Volunteer for a local food bank, library, hospital or community service organization, like Loaves & Fishes, Northern Illinois Food Bank, Greater Chicago Food Depository.


8.    Donate nonperishable goods or a small amount of money to a community organization you value.


9.    Music – make it, listen to it, share it – release hormones, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and spark joy!


10. Bake a kugel, and share a delicious nosh.


11. Sew and create something warm for yourself and/or as a gift for someone else.


12. Pick up a hobby that you used to pursue, or one you’ve always wanted to, and light up that internal fire.


13. When it’s time, light the Shabbat candles with a blessing to match.


Doing these thirteen things may help your light shine. Whenever your soul shines, it brightens your presence, creating warmth in the world around you. This is sorely needed today. 


Sending more wishes for “Shalom Aleichem”! As we move forward into uncertainty, may peace and light shine on the path before us, follow us, and light the path for others.




​ Cantor Jessica

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